Why do some cricketers get injured, yet others don't?

Some young cricketers can withstand huge bowling volumes, yet others can't.

How can we stop injuries from recurring, if we don't know why they happened? Learn how to recognise the risks associated with injuries in young athletes and what steps you can make to reduce that risk and help junior cricketers reach their potential

Stronger athletes get fewer injuries

Learn the key movements Ready 4 Cricket & how to educate the parent and player

Young cricketers must learn the key foundation movement principles, and develop the physical skills required for the game of cricket. In other sports, children warm up before playing and yet in cricket, they will often bowl in net sessions without warming up first. Ready 4 Cricket is an exercise programme for junior cricketers designed to be used as a warm-up and home exercise programme to enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury. Little prior knowledge of exercise programmes is needed with videoes to watch online.

Who is Angela Jackson

Youth Athlete Consultant Angela Jackson

Angela Jackson was a young athlete who had an injury that ended her sporting dreams. That has fuelled a passion to deliver high-quality diagnosis and treatment for all young athletes in a career as a physiotherapist spanning 35 years. She has helped athletes of all ages and abilities achieve their potential including supporting her own 2 children to international success. She is now on a mission to share her knowledge with health and exercise professionals to reduce the risk of injury through raising awareness and education. For 15 years, she has been the Physiotherapist and Strength and Conditioning Consultant for Cheshire Cricket Board supporting their coach education programme and providing workshops for parents and athletes on injury prevention and performance. Her enthusiasm for sharing her extensive knowledge is evident whether she is presenting on courses, talks and workshops for health and exercise professionals, in schools, clubs, and sporting organisations.