The rate of re-injury in kids is too high

Are you confident that your rehab protocols truly prepare kids for the chaos and cognitive and physical demands of sport?

  • Are you confident that your rehab protocols truly prepare kids for the chaos and cognitive and physical demands of sport?

  • 40% of ankle sprains fail to cope

  • 45% of youth athletes with a lumbar stress fracture report a recurrence of significant symptoms

The toolkit for rehabilitating sporty kids

Develop the skills and confidence to assess and rehabilitate young athletes safely back to sport

Growth tissue creates different injuries and require different management. Are you confident in knowing when a child can play with pain and when they should not? Do you know when it is safe to introduce stretching in adolescents and when it is not? Do you know how to assess maturation and understand how it impacts injury risk? This course will give you the awareness of injuries in junior athletes, how to safely support them and educate them to avoid a recurrence.

Bonus content

12 months access to all online content

  • Protocols

    Full apophysitis avulsion injury and lumbar bone stress injury return to play protocols

  • Educate the Athlete

    Webinar and slide content to enable you to provide educational sessions for younger athletes and parents in schools and clubs

  • Online community group

    Join the free online community where cases and research can be shared and discussed with other learners

Learning outcomes

This course is designed for health professionals to raise the standards of care for young athletes

  • To be able to understand the differences between adults and children

  • To recognise children at different stages of maturation

  • To be able to recognise the risk factors for injuries in young athletes

  • To be able to recognise signs of overtraining and Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports

  • Be confident in how to integrate neurocognitive rehabilitation into treatment plans

  • To be able to motivate children to do exercise programmes based on findings of the assessment to create great outcomes

  • Become confident in knowing when an athlete is ready & confident to return to sport

  • Know how to educate the child and parent

Here what other people say

This course is an absolute must

Angela has such passion for the subject and her knowledge is outstanding. The course is well detailed, easy to follow with detailed handouts and videos. If you treat sporty kids this course is an absolute must

Comprehensive and evidence based teaching

Angela is very knowledgable and a great teacher. Her courses are very comprehensive and evidence based. They have helped to inform my practice and have given me key take aways that I can implement immediately. I would highly recommend Angela's courses

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Youth Athlete Consultant Angela Jackson

Angela Jackson is a Chartered Physiotherapist dedicated to transforming how young athletes are supported. With over 35 years of experience, she is on a mission to raise awareness that young athletes are not simply "mini adults" with unique anatomy and physiology which demands specialised approaches to injury prevention and rehabilitation. Her career has taken her from the UK to Canada supporting national teams, Premier League Football clubs, schools and thousands of injured children helping them get safely back to sport. She is the founder of Kids Back 2 Sport, a trusted information platform for parents, coaches, teachers and health professionals providing evidenced based guidance to support injured athletes. A passionate educator, Angela regularly shares her extensive knowledge and experience through workshops, conferences, and courses to raise the standard of care for younger athletes.

Social proof: logos

Southampton FC
Cheshire Cricket Board
FC Kobenhavn

Course curriculum

    1. How are kids different to adults

    2. When do kids stop being kids

    3. MSK Paediatric Anatomy

    4. Timing of ossification

    5. Let's Talk About the Timing of Skeletal Ossification handout

    1. The adolescent growth spurt

    2. Assessing maturation

    3. Biobanding children by maturation not age

    4. How to calculate predicted adult height

    5. Let's talk about growth and maturation ebook

    6. Growth and maturation quiz

    1. Growing Pains

    2. Growth plate physeal injuries

    3. Growth related injury classification

    4. Epiphyseal Injuries

    5. Apophyseal injuries

    6. Rehab of Apophysitis

    7. Isometric knee extension

    8. Hamstring lumbar spine dissociation

    9. Wall squat

    10. Aalborg Osgood Schlatters handbook

    11. Avulsion injuries

    12. Rehab of apophyseal avulsion injuries

    13. ASIS Apophyseal Avulsion Protocol

    14. Test your learning - Growth related injuries

    15. Kids Back 2 Sport athlete and parent resources

    1. Development of the hip

    2. Hip dysplasia and instability

    3. Hip morphology and FAI

    4. Groin pain in younger athletes

    5. Hip rotation assessment

    6. Youth Athlete hip handout

    7. Test Your Learning - Hip Pathology

    1. Paediatric knee pathologies

    2. Patellofemoral pain

    3. Aalborg PFP handbook

    4. Do biomechanics matter?

    5. When it is not PFP

    6. Mechanical knee pain

    7. Juvenile Osteochondritis Dissecans

    8. Test your learning - Knee pathology

About this course

  • £275.00
  • 157 lessons
  • 17.5 hours of video content