Stronger athletes get fewer injuries

Learn the key movements Ready 4 Cricket

Young cricketers must learn the key foundation movement principles, and develop the physical skills required for the game of cricket. In other sports, children warm up before playing and yet in cricket, they will often bowl in net sessions without warming up first. Ready 4 Cricket is an exercise programme for junior cricketers designed to be used as a warm-up and home exercise programme to enhance performance and reduce the risk of injury. Little prior knowledge of exercise programmes is needed with videoes to watch online.

Reducing the risk of injury with education and exercise

NO young cricketer should play with low back pain

40% of young athletes with low back pain have a lumbar stress fracture

Early diagnosis means the difference between weeks out not months out of the game. Learn how through a few cricket specific strength exercises you can bowl FASTER but SAFER and reduce your risk of missing vital games through injury.

Create your recipe for cricketing success

If we don’t’ know why a successful performance happens …. how do we repeat it?

Sporting success is not about talent. Paying attention to the little things under your control is the key to success. Learn about factors that contribute to injury and illness and how you can take steps to reduce those risks. This course teaches you and your parents about the importance of tracking training, diet, sleep, and recovery to become a stronger athlete.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction - Ready 4 Cricket

    2. Why do we need to be Ready 4 Cricket

    1. Ready 4 Cricket

    2. Ready 4 Cricket Exercise Booklet

    1. Why do we need to warm up Ready 4 Cricket

    2. Warm the body up Ready 4 Cricket

    3. Noughts and crosses

    1. Why do we need to do the drills?

    2. Back Foot Balance progressions

    3. Brace the front leg - Hamstring progressions

    4. Squat progressions

    5. Split squat progressions

    6. All 4's progressions

    7. Shoulder progressions

    8. Part 2 Wake up the Body Exercise Summary Sheet

    1. Why do we need to get strong?

    2. Plank

    3. Side plank

    4. Hip Adductor strength

    5. Part 3 - Get Strong Exercise summary

    1. Jump like a kangaroo

    2. Developing strength and speed

    3. Hopping

About this course

  • £20.00
  • 30 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content